日期: | 2015-10-08~ 2015-11-14 |
光華新聞文化中心 主任 盧健英
滿十週年的臺灣月活動,以「青世代登場」、「熟世代大師」為綱領,回應成長的里程碑,今年既有風範成熟,縱橫國際的藝術大師來港,也有創意獨具、大破大立的年輕設計師、工藝師,用創新作品回應時代與生活,以「我想,我做,我同世界一齊玩」表達思想、實踐、 跨界與開放的臺灣新文化。
長期喜愛臺灣月的香港朋友,也會在節目中發現「跨界」的特色繼續深化,包括由不二堂策畫,跨越設計、科技與工藝的茶酒派對《混得好in the mix》;跨越地理與時空永遠感人落淚的果陀劇場經典作品《淡水小鎮》;因為都「唱自己的歌」,民歌教父胡德夫首次與香港鍾氏兄弟跨越臺港攜手同台;服裝設計大師洪麗芬融合影像、法國美聲演唱、布袋戲跨界服裝展,千萬不要錯過。
I think, I create, I play with the world
Lucy Lu, Director, Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre
The Chinese character “思”, as in our festival title, is full of sense and sensibility. It means “thinking” and “reasoning” on the one hand, and “longing” and “yearning” on the other. This is how we want this year’s Taiwan Culture Festival to be, embracing both the rational and emotional sides of the conceptual word. At a time of change when young people in Taiwan and Hong Kong come to the fore of society, understanding different generations and creating a dialogue between them have become all the more crucial.
Taiwan Culture Festival celebrates its 10th anniversary with the themes of “emerging creativity” and “sparkling virtuosity”, marking a developmental milestone for the annual event. This year, apart from internationally acclaimed veteran artists, we also bring to Hong Kong ingenious ideas from a new generation of designers and artisans, who respond to today’s life with their innovative projects. Based on the motto “I think, I create, I play with the world”, the participating talents realize their creative concepts and practices, and an open, boundary-breaking Taiwanese culture.
The festival collaborates with PMQ in 2015, promoting “young creative entrepreneurship” with the belief that any creation is essentially the expression of an idea. Through the planning and network of CAMPOBAG, we have unprecedentedly gathered together over 70 emerging design brands in this mega showcase that resembles a mini Creative Expo Taiwan, manifesting from the emotional “longing” to the rational “thinking” of the new generation, as well as their dream and determination in becoming creative entrepreneurs. A number of their products have won the Red Dot Design Award (Germany) and Cultural & Creative Award (Ministry of Culture, Taiwan) and have been widely exhibited in London and Paris. These inspiring results will be on public display at the PMQ pop-up stores for one month.
Long-time friends of the festival will discover an even more interdisciplinary program this year, featuring In the Mix tea-and-wine party, a crossover between design, technology and craftsmanship curated by Ateliea Tea; Godot Theatre Company’s Our Town, a timeless classic that touches all hearts across cultures; aboriginal folk master Ara Kimbo, who will share the stage with Hong Kong musicians The Chung Brothers for the first time to “sing our own songs”; and renowned fashion designer Sophie Hong, fusing evocative images, operatic singing and puppetry in a cross-boundary catwalk not to be missed.
The 10th edition of Taiwan Culture Festival is where aspiring and established artists converge and showcase their creativity together. We are delighted to express our gratitude to our long-term sponsors: UA Finance Limited, HK & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund Limited, and China Airlines. We also thank the Taiwanese diasporas and friendly organizations in Hong Kong, whose heartfelt support and partnership have contributed to a more comprehensive, thought-provoking festival program. We hope to continue to create with Hong Kong a thriving cultural scene.