The Boar King
Golden Horse Film Awards Focus Screening
4月15日(四) 14:30 -16:10
Teatro Clementina Leitão Ho Brito
2014 | 郭珍弟 KUO Chen-Ti | 102’
KUO Chen-Ti has won Golden Horse Awards Best Documentary
颱風過後,溫泉斷水了,榮仔也在風雨中消失了。後媽雀仔每天打掃著無人上門的旅館,臉上掛著困惑與哀傷,雖然榮仔 的好兄弟正男不時前來幫忙關心,但財團正準備把山中的全部土地收購起來蓋別墅飯店。榮仔的女兒阿芬也從都市回到了山上,徬徨無措的她,卻指引了在山中迷路的導航系統調查員,也在父親留下的DV 影帶裡找到了回憶。災難劇變之後, 該修補的不只有眼前的斷橋殘路,還有家庭與心靈中或深或淺的傷痕,也許在看似無路的盡頭,才有著生命的出口。 本片以令人側目的風災為題材,描述臺灣人與土地的情懷以及韌性,並在最終找到了向前邁進的方向和力量,片中黑白的 畫面強調現實的沉痛,DV 裡頭的彩色錄像,卻提醒著我們過往的美麗。
Cho loses her husband, Ying, during a massive typhoon that leaves their village in ruins. She also faces the prospect of losing the family business as the Boar Hot Spring has been buried bya landslide. As her fellow villagers desperately try to sell off their land and move out, they each receive invitation cards from the deceased Ying. Is Ying really dead? What secrets is he hiding?
Can they find another path and re-establish links with the buried hot spring, the lifeblood of the village? Together, Cho and Fen try to find the answer to Ying's secret on a journey that helps thembid goodbye to the past and find a new direction in life.
The movie uses black-and-white and colorvideo recordings to mix deep grief over the reality of the present with a reminder of the beauty ofthe past. It depicts the feelings Taiwanese people hold for the land and their tenacity and power tomove forward after catastrophe.
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- 所有沒有持票之觀眾,將以後補方式輪候進場;
- 免費門票於4月1日起於以下地點派發,派完即止。
1) 澳門國父紀念館(10:00-17:00,逢星期二休息)
電話:2857 4064
2) 台北經濟文化辦事處(09:00-18:00,星期六日休息)
電話:2830 6289
3) 井井三一繪本書屋(13:30 - 19:30)
電話:2840 4271