New Paradise of Silent Island -MeimageDance

New Paradise of Silent Island – MeimageDance
日期: 2017-10-27~ 2017-10-28
地點: 香港兆基創意書院多媒體劇場
(Event supported by HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity. Please scroll down for English.)
25/10/2017 (三) 15:30
何曉玫 MeimageDance X《鈕扣*New Choreographer》計畫
27/10/2017 (五) 15:15
何曉玫 MeimageDance 彩排工作坊
《默島新樂園》舞蹈作品 - 何曉玫MeimageDance
28/10/2017(六) 20:00
29/10/2017(日) 15:00
售票資訊:200元 (不設劃位)
光華新聞文化中心主辦 香港兆基創意書院協辦
虛擬? 真實?
暗藏反動的慾望 在觀看別人中 看見自己
製 作 人:郎祖明
舞 者:羅瑋君、余建宏、張國韋、許程崴、陳映慈、廖筱婷、賴儀珊、何亭儀
何曉玫MeimageDance創立於 2010 年,創團精神在標示未來性,反映舞蹈與視覺文化的特殊風格。何曉玫長期觀察社會現象,作品取材台灣主流或次文化,創作與環境緊密扣連,作品常具有濃厚當代文化符號色彩。自2011年起每年推出「鈕扣*New Choreographer」計畫邀請台灣旅外優秀舞者「回家」,透過國外優秀台灣舞者回臺創作演出、交換國際經驗來培養兼具職業經驗與獨立性格的編舞人才。2016年起舉辦「專業舞者工作坊」免費提供專業身體訓練課程,同時關心舞蹈作為社會發聲、培力的不同可能性,陸續規劃學障與偏鄉地區待用課程、拍攝Video Dance系列等,擴大舞蹈的社會接觸與影響力。
藝術總監 何曉玫
2015 藝術總監何曉玫獲頒臺灣第十九屆國家文藝獎舞蹈類獎項
2016獲邀德國杜賽朵夫國際舞蹈博覽會(Internationale Tanzmesse NRW, Dusseldorf)演出《假裝》
2015鈕扣*New Choreographer 計畫受邀作為2015臺北藝術節開幕演出
2016 參與文化部光點計畫,赴美國UCLA演出《親愛的》並舉辦工作坊
2015 二度受兩廳院「1+1雙舞作」委託創作《假裝》於國家戲劇院演出
2014 受香港城市當代舞蹈節邀請於葵青劇院-黑盒劇場「臺灣新編」演出作品《假裝》
2013 受兩廳院「1+1雙舞作」委託創作《親愛的》於國家戲劇院演出
2011 受廣藝基金會委託製作《紙境》+2,同年受邀關渡藝術節於臺北藝術大學發表《紙境》
2010 創辦MeimageDance舞團,發表創團作品《Woo!芭比》於國家戲劇院實驗劇場
New Paradise of Silent Island
28.10 Sat 20:00
29.10 Sun 15:00
Multi-media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Tickets Information: $200 (Free Seating)
Online Ticket Purchase: http://
New Paradise of Silent Island is the classical reproduction from Ho’s own company premiere Woo! Barbie in 2010. Selected and integrated from the various images of Ho’s previous works, New Paradise of Silent Island is a collective creation with the spirit of Taiwanese cosplay. It drew together the Eight Generals, betel nut beauties, glove puppets, the Barbie doll, and other highly identifiable cultural symbols in contemporary Taiwan society. Ho’s dance creates a golden ukiyo-e from the hybridization of the sense of Taiwan and the foreign, presenting a metaphor of modern society where gaudiness and loneliness are juxtaposed with the puppet aesthetics of Barbie dolls.
New Paradise of Silent Island combines local Taiwanese cultural symbols with observations of social genders, and faithfully portrays the world in a time of change with ingenious surreal techniques. Blurring the boundary between reality and creation, the choreographer resonates with the audience deeply in a frame-breaking and interactive way, inviting them to wander around the stage under a diverse and chaos atmosphere of Taiwanese temple fairs.
Art Director/Choreographer: Ho Hsiao-Mei
Producer: Lang Tsu-Ming
Rehearsal director: Luo Wei-Chun
Dancer: Luo Wei-Chun, Yu Chien-Hung,, Chang Kuo-Wei, Hsu Chen-Wei, Chen Ying-Chih, Liao Hsiao-Ting, Lai Yi-Shan, Ho Ting-I
Lighting design: Tsao An-Huei
Reproduce costume design: Hsu Yu-Chia
Reproduce music design: Cheng Yi-Ping
Technical supervisor: Liu Chia-Ming,
Stage manager: Chen Chao-Chun
Executive supervisor: Chen Chiao-Hsin
Assistants: Chen Ying-Chih, Liu Yu-Ning
About MeimageDance
MeimageDance was founded in 2010 by Taiwanese choreographer Hsiao-Mei Ho, a renowned expert in creating surreal images. Praised as “the master of creating surrealist imagination,” Hsiao-Mei Ho is the highly attention-attracting Taiwanese female choreographer, and her works are imbued with rich imagery and humanistic reflection. Since 2011, MeimageDance has started the program ‘New Choreographer Project,’ inviting prominent Taiwanese choreographers who live and travel abroad back home to create, to perform, and to share their adventurous experiences. Positioned as the ‘cradle for dancers,’ MeimageDance continues offering chances for outstanding dancers. The project hopes to nurture talented choreographers who have both international perspectives and local characteristics, and to carry forward the promotion and preservation of artistic education. MeimageDance has launched a workshop series since 2016 offering free training for professional dancers. The Company meanwhile explore the possibilities of dancing for social advocacy and empowerment, planning and organizing Suspended Courses for students with disabilities and in distant rural areas; and also extending the influence and social impact through its Video Dance Series.
Ho Hsiao-Mei
Artistic director of MeimageDance. Recipient of the 19th National Award for the Arts. Professor of the Dance Department, Taipei National University of the Arts. Curriculum consultant at Cloud Gate Dance Theatre's studio. Her choreographies My Dear (2013), Beyond the Pale (2011), and Woo! Barbie (2010) were all nominated in the respective years for the Taishin Arts Award, a pioneering award supporting Taiwanese artists. Camouflage, premiered in 2015, was also nominated for Taishin Arts Award, and being invited to the Internationale Tanzmesse in Düsseldorf, Beijing Dance Festival, and Hong Kong City Contemporary Dance Company.
Special Education Programme with priority for HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity students
25.10 Wed 15:30
HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
“Come jam with the world for new dance works!” Seminar by Ho Hsiao-Mei
MeimageDance X New Choreographer Project
27.10 Fri 15:15
Multi-Media Theatre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
MeimageDance Rehearsal Workshop