Outdoor Taiwan, Outburst of Civilian Creativity
工作的轉變,再一次來香港,角色與心境皆不同。從過去兩夜往返的香港過客,變成開桌辦筵的台北主人,第八屆香港「台灣月」在光華與港台合作機構的巧思設計下,11 月起將在維多利亞港的晚風裡,邀請朋友們坐在台階上看台灣野台戲,鏗鏘開演。
多年以後,我方才頓悟:台灣的藝術表演團隊一直在創造現場,拉近人與人之間的距離,堆疊出城市記憶與公民文明。台灣的戶外演出是市民的生活方式之一,從八萬人不留一片紙屑的中正紀念堂戶外演出,到春吶音樂節在海濱推進的獨立音樂盛況,從319 鄉鎮學校禮堂裡給孩子的第一場劇場禮物,到台東池上阡陌稻田上的藝術節,文化不是只存於殿堂,它打破空間意義,人人都有機會得享國家劇院規格的節目。
特別感謝亞洲聯合財務、富邦銀行(香港)、中華航空等公司的大力協助,今年透過與包括進念.二十面體、藝穗會、香港兆基創意書院、香港演藝學院、香港中樂團、誠品銅鑼灣店、K11 等機構與場館的合作,演出將更密切地出現在香港各大小場地裡,透過這樣的合作,與住在香港的你們共同創造城市空間裡的文化現場。
光華新聞文化中心 主任
Welcome to the 8th Taiwan Culture Festival in Hong Kong! Please join us on the staircases of the HK Cultural Center Piazza, where the outdoor performances from Taiwan and the gentle autumn breeze from Victoria Harbor will take the stage for three lovely weekends in November.
Outdoor performance has long been a traditional art form in Taiwan. Whatever the cause is, people would gather in front of the local temple whenever there are celebrations, chatting and snacking while waiting for the show to start on the stage purpose-built for the occasion. People are drawn together in such a milieu, which little by little nurtures collective memory and civil culture.
Today, you can find outdoor performances in every corner of Taiwan—be it in the cities, villages or even the paddy fields. Performing art activity is no longer confined within the walls. Instead, it has broken through the spatial boundaries and allows easy access for everyone.
This year’s Festival features ten exclusive troupes from Taiwan with the cooperation of cultural institutions in Hong Kong. Programs include outdoor as well as indoor performances, seminars and workshops, which will usher you into the enchanting world of Taiwanese performance arts.
I would like to thank UA Finance, Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) and China Airlines for their generous support. Also, the cooperation with Zuni Icosahedron, the Fringe Club, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Eslite Bookstore and K11 Art Mall, has helped to create a cultural milieu in this vibrant city, which I hope will bring us closer to each other.
Director, Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center
Lu Chien Ying