The Fourth Portrait

Golden Horse Film Awards Focus Screening
4月16日(日) 14:30 -16:10
Teatro Clementina Leitão Ho Brito
2010 |鍾孟宏 CHUNG Mong-Hong | 108’
The Fourth Portrait
2010 |金馬獎最佳導演、最佳女配角、年度台灣傑出電影、費比西獎
2010 |Golden Horse Awards, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress, The Outstanding Taiwanese Film of the Year, FIPRESCI Prize
十歲的小翔與父親相依為命,爸爸病死後,他陷入三餐無以為繼的困境,某日,他因偷吃便當而結識了面惡心善的老校工,兩人四處撿舊貨之餘,小翔也以為找到了新的歸宿。就在這時,多年不見的母親突然出現,將他帶往新家與繼父同 住,然而性格暴虐陰沈的繼父卻使小翔陷入更深的恐懼,他開始隨朋友四處偷竊遊蕩,並畫下一張張神祕的圖畫。小翔一 直記得自己的親哥哥從小隨母親離去,如今他人去哪了呢?偶然間,老師從小翔的畫作中發現這個秘密,警察也開始關注 調查,隱藏在畫後的真相呼之欲出……。
After his father's death, 10-year-old Xiang is sent to live with his mother and a stepfather hebarely knows. However, a lurking threat of unspoken violence surrounds him in his new home.Scorned and resented at home and lost in the world at large, Xiang turns to portraiture as a way ofunderstanding the life unfurling around him. One night, Xiang dreams of his elder brother who wentmissing, his subconscious gradually bringing to light a startling secret revealed in his drawings.
A sterling follow-up to his debut, Parking, CHUNG Mong-Hong crafts a visually striking portrait ofTaiwanese life, as well as a delicate hymn to the bonds of family and society.
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