Piano Trio - Mendelssohn's music & Taiwanese folk songs

日期: | 2009-11-28 |
時間: | 15:00 | 光華新聞文化中心展演廳 Exhibition Hall, Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center |
今年為孟德爾頌 200 週年冥誕,這位浪漫派時期的德國天才作曲家及指揮家,早在 17 歲時即以所寫的「仲夏夜之夢序曲」嶄露音樂天份。孟德爾頌生平只寫了兩首鋼琴三重奏,這兩首偉大的作品,至今仍是廣受歡迎的室內樂曲目。
本場小型音樂會節目邀請任職「香港浸會大學」音樂系助理教授之鋼琴家楊淑媛、「香港愛樂管弦樂團」大提琴手陳怡君及「香港小交響樂團」第一小提琴手戴豪逸等 3 位出生於台灣之音樂家,演奏深情詩意的世界名曲及及表現樂天和希望之台灣民謠。
This year marks the 200th birthday of Felix Mendelssohn - German genius composer and conductor. As of today, the only two piano trios he wrote in his lifetime remains popular and are often on the repertoire list of chamber music.
Taiwanese folk songs are characterized by graceful lyrics and melodies. Mirroring the tenacity and exuberant vitality of Taiwanese people, they are a crystallization of several hundred years of cultures handed down by the various ethnic groups on the island, including indigenous peoples, the Holo, and the Hakka.
At this concert, three Taiwanese-born musicians will perform world-renowned music and rich-in-local-flavor Taiwanese folk songs. They are pianist Ms Sophia Yang, piano teacher and chamber music coach of the music department at Hong Kong Baptist University; Ms Yi-chun Chen, cellist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic; and Mr. Joseph Vickers, violinist of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta.
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