Cloud Gate Dance Theatre – “Rice”

- 倫敦泰晤士報
- 華盛頓郵報
- 英國衞報
雲門舞集應澳門文化局澳門文化中心邀請,並獲文化部補助 ,預定於四月十五日在澳門文化中心綜合劇院演出《稻禾》。
享譽國際的編舞家林懷民,為紀念舞團成立四十周年而傾力創作《稻禾》,將雲門結合當代舞步與太極導引 身段的獨特姿態發揮得淋漓盡致,配合耗時兩年拍攝而成的稻田高清錄像,美得令人屏息。
Amazing nature in motion
Inspired by the simplicity and beauty of man’s eternal connection with earth, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s Rice celebrates the life cycle of nature in parallel with the human drama. The iconic Taiwanese company takes award winning projections of the island’s essential crop to merge grain, and lavish fields of green with a choreographic blend of modern dance and internal martial arts. Emblematic choreographer Lin Hwai-min leads the troupe’s skillful dancers on their descent from the clouds.
Founded in 1973, the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre has dedicated itself to transforming ancient aesthetics into a thrilling and contemporary celebration of physical movement. Dubbed as Asia’s leading modern dance theatre, the troupe has been a frequent guest at New York’s Next wave Festival, touring extensively in other international events and venues such as London’s Sadler’s Wells Theatre and Barbican Centre, Moscow’s Chekhov International Theatre Festival or the Movimentos Festival in Germany.
Rice brings Cloud Gate back to CCM after their performing of Nine Songs enchanted our audience back in 2012. Displaying their unmistakably sharp, meticulous movements, they will step on stage for yet another stunning performance. Set to a combination of soothing sounds, from the Hakka traditional folksongs to classical compositions by Camille Saint-Saëns and Richard Strauss, the show balances hyper-slow intensity with bursts of frenetic fury. Displaying movements woven through Soil, Sunlight, Wind, Water and Fire, this dance of the elements, conveys contrasting concepts of death and rebirth, east and west. A moving, poetic synthesis of humanity and Nature!