日期: | 2008-11-04 |
時間: | 20:00 | 香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre |
在各種音樂形態中,打擊樂的歷史相較年輕,到廿世紀中葉才被認為是精緻藝術。1986 年,打擊樂在台灣仍是陌生的音樂名詞,而自維也納學成歸國的打擊樂家朱宗慶,憑著對打擊樂的執著與夢想,創立台灣第一支打擊樂團,也為台灣打擊樂開啟新頁。
打擊樂在台灣,從一個相當陌生的音樂名詞到如今十分普及的盛況,朱宗慶打擊樂團扮演著關鍵角色。為了拓展打擊樂的欣賞人口,朱宗慶打擊樂團走出嚴肅的音樂殿堂,以生動活潑的輕鬆樂曲擁抱民眾,除引進西方打擊樂經典作品,也運用古典音樂技法改編民謠或兒歌,更積極發掘本土優秀打擊樂作品,委託創作的曲目已超過 100 首 。
Compared with other types of music, percussion music has a much shorter history and was not regarded as a fine art until the middle of the 20th century. In 1986, when percussion music was still quite strange to Taiwanese people, percussionist Mr. Ju Tzong-Ching, who had completed his studies in Germany and returned to Taiwan, founded Taiwan's first percussion ensemble The JU PERCUSSION GROUP (JPG).
The JPG plays an important role in promoting percussion music in Taiwan. It has not only introduced classic works played with Western percussion instruments, but also adapted traditional Chinese/Taiwanese folk tunes and children's songs, thus contributing to the steadily growing popularity of percussion music in Taiwan. In addition, the JPG has proactively commissioned the composition of local percussion music, with the number of compositions written by Taiwan's very own composers totaling more than 100.
“Having the world in view while based in Taiwan” has been the JPG's goal. Under the leadership of Mr. Ju Tzong-Ching, the JPG has become famous around the world for its innovative blending of Eastern and Western traditional and modern percussion instruments. Since its establishment, the JPG has performed in Asia, Europe, Australia, and the America , and has received great critical acclaim worldwide.
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