7 Days in Heaven
Golden Horse Film Awards Focus Screening
4月15日(六) 17:00 -18:20
Teatro Clementina Leitão Ho Brito
2010 |劉梓潔、王育麟 Essay LIU, WANG Yu-Lin | 92’
2010 |金馬獎最佳改編劇本、最佳男配角
2010 |Golden Horse Awards, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor
父親驟逝,阿梅自都市急奔家鄉處理後事,未料,台灣五光十色的喪葬習俗,卻帶給她一趟匪夷所思的特殊體驗。原本盤 據身上的喪親之痛,竟在荒謬、喧鬧、嘉年華般的七天告別式中,意外獲得了舒緩。一場又一場宛如走馬燈的葬儀流程, 更讓梅重新找到一個看望這塊土地的獨特視角。然而,華麗的七天儀式後,喪親之痛,才慢慢重回到梅身上,「子欲養而 親不待」的喟嘆、父女間的私密記憶,迅速化作哀傷的淚水,使她久久不能自己……。 2006 年,本片編導劉梓潔將自身喪父經歷寫成散文《父後七日》,並榮獲林榮三文學獎首獎,在王育麟導演的鼓勵下,她 不但親自將散文改編為電影劇本,更與王育麟導演相偕執導該片。
A dark and poetic comedy, “7 Days in Heaven” centers on one woman's experience of the death
and funeral of her father. Mei, resolutely urban, makes her way back to her rural hometown, where
she and her brother endure a series of arcane and elaborate funeral rites. Their frustrations are
frequently punctuated by genuine feelings of loss. Co-directors WANG Yu-Lin and Essay LIU (who
also wrote the screenplay based on her prose piece of the same title) deliver a film that assumes a
lighthearted approach to its otherwise severe themes of death and grief. Emotionally complex and
often ironic, the film investigates the turbulent spectrum of emotions associated with the passing of
a loved one and the vagaries of modern-day death with a humorous touch that is both direct and
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- 免費門票於4月1日起於以下地點派發,派完即止。
1) 澳門國父紀念館(10:00-17:00,逢星期二休息)
電話:2857 4064
2) 台北經濟文化辦事處(09:00-18:00,星期六日休息)
電話:2830 6289
3) 井井三一繪本書屋(13:30 - 19:30)
電話:2840 4271