日期: | 2008-11-03 |
時間: | 20:00 | 香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre |
許博允先生是台灣知名音樂家與藝術文化推手。1960 年啟蒙於名作曲家許常惠教授研習理論作曲及小提琴,年輕時代即開始作曲,並為台灣採用混合媒體藝術方式發表作品的第一人,其後更參與舞台音樂製作、編曲,創作迄今已逾 40 年 。
許先生也是推動台灣藝術文化的重要人物。他於 1978 年與妻子樊曼儂共創「國際新象文教基金會」,邀請世界頂尖藝術家赴台演出,為台灣表演藝術文化奠下紮實的根基,除立足台灣,他更 著力兩岸及國際音樂交流。1988 年在哥倫比亞大學舉辦台灣與中國音樂家首次音樂對談,於 1993 年在聯合國發表以「樂壇生態現象及未來遠景」主題演講,並自 1980 年起創辦策劃繪畫、雕刻、建築、攝影、設計、音樂、舞蹈、戲劇、民族藝術等藝術節,催生一件件藝術盛事。
作為藝術文化的推動者,許先生本身就是一名傲視國際的音樂家。從事多年的藝文行政工作,他成全許多愛好藝文表演朋友的夢,而他自己也一直有個夢,就是回到音樂創作領域;其經典名作 「琵琶隨筆」從 1975 年至今,已在全球 30 多個國家,發表演出 300 次以上。 此次來港之演出便綜合其早期及新近作品,加上朱宗慶打擊樂團、琵琶家王正平、鋼琴家葉綠娜、小提琴家宗緒嫻與亞太絃樂四重奏等,更邀請蒙古聲樂家展現蒙古特殊的「喉音」。
這場橫跨 40 多年作品的音樂,用了中國、印尼、泰國、緬甸,日本、韓國、印度,還有回教民族、非洲及中南美洲等 120 多種樂器。呈現跨越 60 、 70 、 80 、 90 年代不同層次與心境,用音樂表達人生的感悟。 以王正平的琵琶獨奏《琵琶隨筆》開端,從孤獨到喧嘩,最後一首以朱宗慶打擊樂團與蒙古聲樂家與合唱團一起演出的《境》作結。
Mr. Hsu Po-Yun, whose artistic career spans over 40 years, is a renowned musician and promoter of the performing arts in Taiwan. He studied music theory and learned to play the violin after graduating from high school in 1960, started composing music pieces in his young days, and has since been deeply involved in the composition and arrangement of stage music.
In 1978, Hsu and his wife Fan Man-nong founded the International New Aspect Cultural and Educational Foundation, laying a firm foundation for Taiwan's performing arts by introducing world-class performing artists to local audiences. Hsu has also been dedicated to cross-strait and international music exchanges. In 1988, for instance, he held a first-ever dialogue between Taiwanese and mainland Chinese musicians at Columbia University; in 1993, he delivered a speech on the musical ecology and its future development in the United Nations; and since 1980, he has organized several artistic festivals in such fields as painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, design, music, dancing, drama, and folk arts.
Hsu himself is also a world-famous musician. Having been promoting arts for decades, Hsu has helped realize the dreams of many performing arts lovers. However, he has had a dream of his own - returning to the field of music composition. His best-known piece "The Pipa" , written in 1975, has been performed more than 300 times in more than 30 countries. In this year's Taiwan November, famous musicians, including the Ju Percussion Group, pipa maestro Wong Ching-Ping, pianist Lina Yeh, soprano Chen Qi-Lian, and the Asia Pacific String Quartet, will interpret Hsu's earlier and recent composition pieces.