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When Love Comes


Golden Horse Film Awards Focus Screening




4月16日(日)  17:00 -18:30

Teatro Clementina Leitão Ho Brito

2010 |張作驥 CHANG Tso-Chi | 108’




2010 |金馬獎最佳劇情片、最佳攝影、最佳美術、觀眾票選獎
2010 | Golden Horse Awards, Best Feature Film, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, and Audience Choice Awards
十六歲叛逆青少女來春的家庭,三代同堂一家七口,組成多元、關係複雜。招贅入門的父親黑面,一肩扛起家中生計的大媽雪鳳,負責生孩子傳宗接代的二媽子華,絮絮叨唸著家和萬事興的年邁阿公,獨立而行事低調的妹妹來日,還有黑面從 故鄉金門接到台灣就近照料的自閉症叔叔阿傑,這一家人,以萬華某一海產熱炒店的小生意維生度日。二媽產下弟弟不久,來春也和二媽當年一樣未婚懷孕了,而負心漢消失無蹤,故而掀起了一場家庭風波。風波未息,長年貪杯嗜酒的父親黑面又忽然爆肝病倒,多年以來強勢主導家政大權的大媽卻一夕崩潰;反而,向來謙抑溫良的二媽,悍然拿出了年輕時行 走江湖之本領,接棒持家……。

The film is set in an old-style house in Mengjia, an old district of Taipei. Rebellious teenage girl Laichun, now 16, lives with her extended family. Her extended family is made up of her father DarkFace, an immigrant from Kinmen Island, his sterile wife Xuefeng, his fertile “second wife” Zihua,an aged grandfather, Laichun’s younger sister Lairi, and Dark Face’s autistic younger brother Jie.The family runs a small restaurant in a shopping arcade. Right after Laichun’s “second mother”gives birth to a third child, Laichun finds that she is pregnant as well. Yet Laichun’s irresponsible boyfriend runs away after Laichun informs him of her pregnancy. While the scandal sweeps the entire family, Laichun’s drunkard-father falls ill due to liver cancer. The father’s first wife, always bossy and dominant, also collapses as a result. The father’s second wife, a female gangster in her twenties, now has to take on the responsibility of stabilizing the entire family, on the eve of Laichun’s childbirth.


