日期: | 2008-11-27~ 2008-11-28 |
時間: | 18:30 | 光華新聞文化中心展演廳 Exhibition Hall, Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center |
《漢唐樂府》是台灣南管名家陳美娥小姐在 1983 年所創立,以重建南管古樂及培訓人才為宗旨,並不斷嘗試新的表演形式,20 餘年來屢獲歐、美、亞地區國際性重要藝術節、大劇院邀演,頗受佳評。2000 年應邀參加「法國里昂雙年舞蹈節」獲媒體評選為「最佳舞蹈評論獎」。 2003 年 8 月在美國林肯中心戶外藝術節之演出,被「紐約時報」藝術休閒版權威舞評家珍妮弗.丹寧( Jennifer Dunning )評選為「全美年度風雲榜最佳舞作」榜眼。
《漢唐樂府》於 1996 年編創發表之《豔歌行》,乃汲取傳統南管樂曲與梨園科步精髓,所創作出之新古典風格南管梨園樂舞,不僅一舉豔驚四座,並讓台灣南管正式宣告「跨界」的可能,而成為台灣南管發展分野最重要的分水嶺。與各國頂尖現代舞團風格相較,漢唐樂府以傳統南管古樂及典雅梨園科步,所焠練出的—梨園樂舞,實現了古典與前衛並俱「立足傳統、再造傳統」的文化理想,成功地塑造具有普世美學價值觀的表演藝術新典範。
「南管」樂風含蓄婉約、音韻悠雅,與激越昂揚之「北管」同為台灣民間傳統音樂之主流。該團此次來港為參與《台灣月》演出之《豔歌行》共 5 小段, 是語調溫婉有緻,絲竹文靜幽雅, 重視意境、在乎內涵的精緻小戲,也是既古典又現代之唯美呈現。
About the Han-Tang Yuefu
Han-Tang Yuefu Ensemble ( HTYF ) was founded in 1983 by Miss Chen Mei-o of Nankuan ("Southern Winds") fame.
Its purpose was to confirm the major role of Nankuan in the history of Chinese music, to trace the origins to its earliest sources, and to train musicians in the proper art of performing Nankuan music, while energizing the lifeblood of this ancient tradition, rescue it from the brink of oblivion. Productions of the HTYF are marked by clearly defined scholarly goals, a spirit of in-depth cultural probing, distinctive ethnic characteristics, rich legacies in classical art, and highly polished performance techniques.
In preserving the essence of the ancient Nankuan tradition, HTYF also elaborated upon the Liyuan xi or "Musical Theatre of the Pear Orchard", a branch of southern music popular during the Song and Yuan dynasties (twelfth to fourteenth centuries). Here in the telling of a tale, deeply introverted Nankuan music is wedded to highly refined songs and subtle modern movements inspired by the ancient tradition of Liyuan dance. Establishing their "Liyuan Dance Studio", the troupe created programs of classic musicals that are traditional in spirit but contemporary in form.
For more than ten years as they performed this ancient music at centers of higher learning worldwide, Han-Tang Yuefu has earned international admiration at various art festivals in Europe and Asia, winning praise everywhere. Following their performance at the Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors Festival in August 2003, New York Times dance critic JENNIFER DUNNING placed Han-Tang Yuefu second in the year's best dance program.
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