Kimbo - Pacific Wind

日期: | 2009-11-18 |
時間: | 20:00 | 香港大會堂 音樂廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall |
胡德夫為台灣現代民歌的代表人物,集作詞,譜曲及唱歌等才華於一身。他的歌聲如生命般厚實,映照出自由熱情的靈魂,這場演唱會,將有他自彈自唱,渾然天成的旋律,及對生命的詠嘆和對大地的頌讚 。
Mr. Kimbo Hu - an aboriginal singer and also a representative figure of Taiwan's modern folk songs - is talented in writing lyrics, composing music, and singing. His voice is resonant with great vitality, displaying a free, zealous spirit. At this concert, Kimbo will sing the praises of life and his deepest respect to Mother Nature.
胡德夫簡史 | ‧ | 胡德夫音樂簡歷 |
The life of Kimbo | Kimbo's Music Experience |