日期: | 2017-03-04~ 2017-03-19 |
The Script Road welcomes award-winning authors Lo Yi-Chin, Chen Li, Wang Tsung-Wei and singer Christine Hsu
更多消息 http://thescriptroad.org/zh-hant/
雋文不朽﹣澳門文學節由澳門本地葡文報紙《Ponto Final句號報》於2012年發起舉辦,是全球首個匯聚中國與葡語系國家文化藝術工作者的文學交流盛會。文學節每年都廣邀海內外著名作家、出版人、譯者、記者、音樂人、導演及視覺藝術家等於蒞臨澳門共襄盛舉。
Lo Yi-Chin (Taipei, 1967) graduated from the Creative Writing and Art Programme of the Department of Chinese at Chinese Culture University and received a Master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of Drama at the Taipei National University of Arts. He has written nine novels such as, for example, Scarlet Letter Group, Share a Fairy Tale with a Little Star, Wife and Dream. His Hotel Xixia was the winning novel in the 3rd “Dream of the Red Chamber” Awards. Other accolades include 1st Prize for Fiction in the Unitas Literature Circuit Camp Creative Writing Awards, the Taipei Literary Annual Award, the 2009 Taiwan Literary Award. Lo has also been a featured author on Asiaweek’s “Ten Excellent Books of the Year” list (2008) and was selected in both the Kaijuan weekly book review (China Times) and the 2000 Taiwan Literature Yearbook of the Council of Cultural Affairs as an “Influential Figure of 2000”.
雜誌人,現任聯合文學雜誌總編輯。曾任台灣明報周刊副總編輯、marie claire執行副總編輯、FHM副總編輯。聯合文學雜誌在其主導的大規模改版後,於2016年首次榮獲金鼎獎年度雜誌大獎與最佳人文藝術類雜誌獎。著有《生之靜物》、《編輯樣》、《作家日常》、《師身》、《戀人曾經飛過》、《濱線女兒──哈瑪星思戀起》、《複島》、《稍縱即逝的印象》、《中山北路行七擺》、《台北不在場證明事件簿》等。1999年,以符號學與通訊理論為基礎寫成的〈SHANOON海洋之旅〉,入選《八十七年短篇小說選》引起文壇注目,被譽為「九十年代的小說新典律」。
Wang Tsung-Wei was born in 1972 and has a Master of Arts in Art History from National Taiwan University. He is Editor-in-Chief of UNITAS Literature Monthly and has served previously as deputy editor-in-chief for such magazines as Marie Claire and FHM. He was awarded the China Times Open Book Award, received a special selection at the Frankfurt Book Fair and Taipei International Book Exhibition, and was nominated for the Taiwan Literary Award and the Golden Tripod Award for “Best Editor”. UNITAS Literature Monthly was awarded the Golden Tripod Award for “Magazine of The Year” and “Best Arts and Humanities Magazine” in 2016, after a thoroughgoing redesign spearheaded by Wang. His publications include Daughters of Hamasen, Home Island, Like an Editor and The Life of a Writer, among others.
Chen Li was born in Hualien, Taiwan, in 1954. He graduated from the EnglishDepartment at National Taiwan Normal University and is regarded by literary critics as “one of the most innovative and exciting poets writing in Chinese today”. In recent years, he has taught creative writing at National Dong Hwa University and has served as organiser of the annual Pacific Poetry Festival in his hometown. A winner of various prestigious poetry prizes in Taiwan, Chen Li has published fourteen books of poetry and is also a prolific prose writer and translator. With his wife Chang Fen-ling, he has translated over twenty volumes of poetry into Chinese, including the works of Sylvia Plath, Seamus Heaney, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, and Wisława Szymborska.
作品:「天頂的月娘啊」、「玫瑰人生[睡吧我的愛] 」、「愛河月光」、「真感情」、「純˙景純」、「碩果景淳」、「芬芳」、「女人哪」、「路長情更長」、「你來自何方[臺北到上海] 」、「真想要飛」、「精選集1」、「別來無恙」、「日日夜夜」、「青草地上」等十五張個人專輯。
Christine Hsu has won several awards including a Golden Tripod, a Golden Melody, “Best Soundtrack” for Dust in the Wind movie at Festival des 3 Continents, and “Best Vocal Theme Song” at the San Diego Film Festival.
Christine was the first pop singer to perform in the National Theater & Concert Hall of Taipei. To date she has released eighteen albums, among them My Life as a Rose (1987), The Moon Knows (1996) and Moonlight on the Love River (2005).