It was 2006 when Lu Ping, then director of Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, came up with the idea of “Taiwan Culture Festival”. It had my full support as I took promoting Taiwanese culture as my responsibility. Since then, the festival has gone from strength to strength, through the direction of Lo Chih-cheng, Chang Man-chuan, Lee Ying-ping and, currently, Lucy Lu, who have done their absolute best to put together the inspiring annual event. I am much delighted to witness the development of a significant, uniquely Taiwanese cultural occasion in Hong Kong.
Over the past decade, Taiwan and Hong Kong have gone through a period of social and economic change, while the former has also displayed a profound sense of vitality with its cultural depth and inheritance. In Taiwan Culture Festival 2013, for instance, GuoGuang Opera Company’s One Hundred Years on Stage attracted many young viewers with its innovative Peking opera format, leaving an indelible impression on me. With deeper social interactions between the two places in recent years, the festival has even penetrated into different communities in Hong Kong, reaching out to a wider audience through art education and reflecting how Taiwanese culture has contributed to local society.
My long-term involvement in Taiwan Culture Festival, which annual program has been rooted in diversity and creativity, makes me feel like a proud parent watching my own child grow up healthy and strong. Finally, I would like to send my best wishes to all the participating artists, whose passion and wholehearted commitment bring to fruition a glorious month of Taiwanese culture every October.
Akihiro Nagahara
CEO, United Asia Finance Limited
Director, HK & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund